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Find out what a visit to The Story Museum looks like by watching our short video

Support Us

Why your support matters

We rely on the generosity of our donors to enable us to reach as many people as possible with the power of stories.

Why Support Us

The Story Museum is a registered charity with a mission to enrich lives, especially young lives, through stories.

From a child’s earliest days to their teenage years, we offer a creative learning programme in family centres, schools, youth groups, and at our award-winning museum to build creativity, literacy, and wellbeing. We prioritise families in Oxford’s least served communities and ensure price is no barrier with our free-to-access programme of tailored support.

The need for our work in Oxford is clear: 26% of children grow up in poverty, and despite the city’s reputation for academic excellence, disadvantaged pupils in the county perform worse than their peers nationally. We want to change this narrative with our vibrant Learning, Access, And Participation programme which last year supported nearly 13,000 children, teachers, and families.

With your help we can:

  • Provide 4 family centres in priority areas of Oxford with story-based learning for very young children and their parents/carers
  • Support priority primary schools with yearlong partnerships which use stories to accelerate learning, improve wellbeing and increase confidence
  • Reach more than 150 schools each year with heavily subsidised literacy workshops and gallery visits to inspire a love of stories and make learning fun
  • Offer free-to-access creative skills courses for teenagers and young people
  • Deliver storytelling training to teachers to help teachers leverage the power of stories across the curriculum
  • Run access-friendly days at the museum with adjusted lighting and sounds as well as reduced capacity
  • Provide Dream Tickets to ensure that families who would otherwise not be able to visit the museum don’t miss out on the opportunity to enjoy our exhibition spaces
  • Offer bursary places on all our activities for young people from underserved areas
  • Continue to develop and support a diverse group of artists who work with the museum to create our exhibitions, gallery spaces, and thriving events programme

The generosity of our donors is vital to our success. If you’ve enjoyed visiting us and want to share the transformative power of stories with others, please consider making a donation or becoming a Friend or Fellow of The Story Museum. To find out more about our projects and partnerships, click here.

Child reading in Small Worlds

“We had an amazing time today at the Story Museum. It was incredible to see the appearance of pure joy on the children's faces; this is a wonderful sight! We hope to do some follow up work in art and in literacy.”

- Teacher