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1001 Top Cat
Added on 20th August 2020

Directors William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
First shown 1961
Production company Hanna-Barbera Productions, USA

Animals Funny

Top Cat leads a gang of alley cats in New York, living on their wits and outsmarting the long-suffering Officer Dibble.


Top Cat is an American animated series about a gang of alley cats living by their wits in New York City. Led by the streetwise Top Cat (T.C.), the lovable misfits – Fancy-Fancy, Spook, Benny the Ball, Brain and Choo Choo – are constantly trying to get rich quick and eat for free – to the exasperation of their long-suffering local policeman Officer Dibble.

Why we chose it

Top Cat has become a classic: affectionately remembered by those who enjoyed it in the 1960s and still enjoyed by children and adults across the world. Many regard the 30 half-hour episodes as comedy gems because of their amusing characters, clever storylines, superb voice acting and charming hand-drawn animation.

Made for adults, but popular with children, Top Cat has developed a cult following, and is listed in the top cartoon series of all time - in the words of the theme song: ‘the most effectual… the most tip top, Top Cat’.

Where it came from

Top Cat began as a primetime show for adults but was rapidly embraced by children. Inspired by B movie characters like the Dead End kids and Bowery Boys and, more directly, The Phil Silvers Show, it translated the wily, wise-cracking Sergeant Bilko and his army cronies into T.C. and his alley cats – also in search of a quick buck. Some of the same writers and voice actors worked on both shows.

Where it went next

Top Cat sold in 30 countries and became particularly popular in South America. Despite being slightly dated and politically incorrect it is still shown by the BBC.

The series spawned comic books and annuals, commercials and full length films which have mostly met with mixed reviews.

Associated stories

Fans enjoy other cartoons created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera such as The Flintstones, Tom and Jerry and Yogi Bear.

Added on 20th August 2020

Directors William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
First shown 1961
Production company Hanna-Barbera Productions, USA

Animals Funny