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1001 Stories Collection

There's a Shark in the Bath

1001 Theresa Sharkinthe Bath
Added on 14th August 2020

Author and Illustrator Sarah McIntyre
First published 2014
Publisher Scholastic

Animals Funny

Dulcie finds a family of sharks in her bath.


What would you do if you found a shark in the bath? Or three of them - Papa Shark, Mama Shark and Baby Shark? The sharks are keen on enjoying a good breakfast, but Dulcie knows just how to distract such cheeky sea creatures and sends them on their way before Dad even gets a glimpse of them.

Why we chose it

Dulcie is an enterprising heroine and children love the mayhem and madness of her encounter with the sharks in the bathroom.

Where it came from

Sarah McIntyre, born 1975, is a British-American illustrator and writer of children's books and comics. Her inspiration for her work often comes from places she knows well where she replaces people with unusual inhabitants. The idea for this book, her first solo picture book, may have been inspired by her childhood fascination with sea life and staring into tide pools at the beach.

Associated stories

Since There’s a Shark in the Bath, Sarah McIntyre has gone on to write other solo picture books including Grumpycorn (2019) and Don’t Call me Grumpycorn (2020) as well as the very popular Jampirates with David O'Connell.

She has also illustrated longer stories, including Oliver and the Seawigs and Cakes in Space with Philip Reeve.

Added on 14th August 2020

Author and Illustrator Sarah McIntyre
First published 2014
Publisher Scholastic

Animals Funny