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1001 Stories Collection

There are Cats in this Book

1001 therearecatsinthisbook
Added on 11th September 2020

Author and Illustrator Viviane Schwarz
First published 2008
Publisher Walker Books


Lift the flaps and find cats waiting to play.


Tiny, Moonpie and Andre are three lively cats who are only waiting for a reader to play with. This lift-the-flap picturebook invites the reader to enjoy the company of these friendly characters as they go exploring and playing between the pages. It could be joining in a pillow fight, jumping into a fishbowl or just being silly around the house.

Why we chose it

A great lift-the-flap book, which encourages children to turn the pages and find out what the cats are doing next. The text is all in speech bubbles so the engaging cat characters are talking directly to the reader and drawing them into the book.

Where it came from

Born in Germany, author-illustrator Viviane Schwarz studied Illustration at Falmouth College of Arts in Cornwall. She has always loved building things with cardboard, and making books. When she was growing up, Viviane thought that there weren’t enough cats in books. She wanted to write a story which wasn’t just made of drawings, but had actual cats in it, messing about and telling you what to do.

Where it went next

There are Cats in this Book was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal in 2010. This was the first title in the ‘Cats in this Book’ series, followed by There are No Cats in this Book (2010) and Is there a Dog in this Book? (2014).

Associated Stories

Other books by Viviane Schwarz include The Sleepwalkers (2011), Welcome to your Awesome Robot (2013), and Animals with Tiny Cat (2018). She has also illustrated Cheese Belong to You (2013) and I am Henry Finch (2014) written by Alexis Deacon.

Added on 11th September 2020

Author and Illustrator Viviane Schwarz
First published 2008
Publisher Walker Books
