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1001 Stories Collection

The Tale of Custard the Dragon

1001 The Tale OF Custard The Dragon
Added on 01st October 2020

Author Ogden Nash
Illustrator Linell Nash Smith
First published 1936 in Child Life Magazine (USA)

Funny Magic

The cowardly Custard realio trulio proved to be brave.


Written as a ballad, the poem tells the story of Belinda and her pets. Belinda and three of her pets see themselves as very brave. They call the fourth, Custard the Dragon a coward because he cries for ‘a nice, safe cage’. However, Custard is not really a coward, in fact he proves he is braver than Belinda and the other pets. Although Custard likes being safe and comfortable, he is the only one with the courage to face the pirate who breaks into Belinda’s house.

Why we chose it

It is a funny poem about not judging someone by their appearance.

Where it came from

Nash was not only a poet he was a social commentator. He often used animals as subject matter to create thought-provoking and absurd poems full of misspellings and silliness. He wrote Dragon Custard to inspire and teach the value of courage.

Where it went next

Puff the Magic Dragon sung and performed by Peter, Paul and, Mary (1963) was inspired by Nash’s poem (Lipton and Yarrow, 1958). A film directed by Peter Rubin was released in 1965. The Tale of Custard the Dragon, illustrated by Munsinger, was re-published in 1998 (USA).

Associated stories

Nash wrote a second story about Custard, Custard the Dragon and the Wicked Knight (1961).

Added on 01st October 2020

Author Ogden Nash
Illustrator Linell Nash Smith
First published 1936 in Child Life Magazine (USA)

Funny Magic