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1001 Matrix
Added on 12th August 2020

Director Lana Wachowski and Lily Wachowski
First released 1999(Cert 15), Warner Bros, USA

Action and adventure Dystopia Science fiction

A seminal film from the turn of the 21st century which examines the importance of love, choice and self discovery in a new technological age.


Have you ever had a dream that you feel sure was real? Thomas Anderson, also known as Neo, feels there is something not quite right about the world he lives in. In a surprise encounter with a man called Morpheus, we follow Neo as he learns the truth about his world and another….and we discover that he just might be The One to save them all.

Why we chose it

A tale for our older story-lovers, The Matrix marks an important milestone at the turn of the 21st century. It marks a moment when we were first coming to terms with the power of computers and digital technology, with the use of the internet becoming greater in the decade leading up to the film's release in 1999. The film imagines a new virtual space where you can do anything whilst also worrying about the possibility of technology being a force for bad instead of good; and we follow Neo as he comes to terms with this contrast and learns to manipulate the world around him.

Outside the story, the film also showed off the potential in visual effects by revolutionising slow motion effects and showcasing impressive computer-generated images not yet seen on screen. These new technologies have been replicated in films countless times since.

Finally, The Matrix conveys a captivating story of self-discovery examining the importance of choice, love and self-discovery in a new technological world.

Where it came from

The Matrix takes inspiration from many stories including Neuromancer by William Gibson, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and Asian action cinema.

Where it went next

Two sequels followed, along with an animated version (The Animatrix). A fourth film is currently in production.

Associated stories

Neuromancer by William Gibson and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll both inspired the story.

Added on 12th August 2020

Director Lana Wachowski and Lily Wachowski
First released 1999(Cert 15), Warner Bros, USA

Action and adventure Dystopia Science fiction