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1001 Moon Juice
Added on 13th August 2020

Poet Kate Wakeling
Illustrator Elīna Braslina
First published 2016
Publisher The Emma Press

Animals Magic

An illustrated collection of inventive and imaginative poems exploring the world - great to perform aloud.


Moonjuice is an illustrated collection of poems exploring the world from dinosaurs, to scabs. The poems are best performed aloud and you can hear Kate read some of the poems on the CLPE’s Poetryline website

Why we chose it

A collection of inventive and imaginative poems best read aloud to enjoy the musical language and the sound of the words.

Where it came from

Kate studied music at Cambridge University before becoming a poet and specialised in the Balinese Gamelan. Her interest in the way things sound is now key to her poetry which is best read aloud.

Kate wrote for adults before she was invited to contribute to another Emma Press Anthology about Myths and Legends which she wrote The Serpent and the Turtle, an interpretation of a Balinese myth. The storytelling, mischief and humour opportunities in children’s poetry appealed to her. She warns us against thinking that adults want different things to children, especially when confronted with a scab!

Where it went next

Moon Juice won the Centre for Literacy in Primary Poetry Award (CLIPPA) in 2017 and was nominated for 2018 Carnegie medal.

Associated stories

Falling out of the Sky, Emma Press 2015 contains Kate’s telling of a Balinese tale in poetry.

Other recent winners of the CLiPPa award include Steven Camden, Everything All At Once, Karl Nova, Rhythm and Poetry, Joseph Coelho Werewolf Club Rules, Tony Mitton Wayland, George Szirtes In the Land of Giants and Rachel Rooney The Language of Cat.

Added on 13th August 2020

Poet Kate Wakeling
Illustrator Elīna Braslina
First published 2016
Publisher The Emma Press

Animals Magic