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1001 64 Zoo Lane
Added on 30th July 2020

Creator An Vrombaut
First shown 1999, CBeebies, France 5

Animals Friends

Join Lucy as the animals in the zoo next door tell her bedtime stories in this animated TV show for pre-school children.


Lucy lives next door to the zoo. Every night she slides from her bedroom window down the neck of Georgina the giraffe to hear the animals tell bedtime stories.

Why we chose it

A gentle television series for pre-school children which celebrates bedtime stories.

Where it came from

Creator An Vrombaut grew up in Belgium and as a child loved to write and draw stories about animals, particularly giraffes. As she grew up she wanted to make her giraffe pictures move and so studied animation in Ghent and London.

Where it went next

64 Zoo Lane was nominated for a BAFTA and won Best Pre-school Series at the British Animation Awards.

An Vrombaut has written a number of picture books about the animals from the series, including Georgina the Giraffe.

Associated stories

The Tie is a short film about a meeting between a short giraffe and a tall giraffe which has won a number of animation and young audience awards in Europe.

Added on 30th July 2020

Creator An Vrombaut
First shown 1999, CBeebies, France 5

Animals Friends